A friend of mine recently confessed that she was embarrassed by her cellphone, a Motorola Razr she got in 2006, because it doesn't do much more than make calls and send text messages. She can't use it to surf the internet, check into Foursquare, update her status on Facebook or take useable photos.
Why hasn't she upgraded? Because it costs her approximately $5 a month.
Compare that to my iPhone 4 which, if I were buying it today, would cost $199 with a 2-year contract. Plus, at minimum, I would have to sign up for a service plan ($39.99/month), data plan ($15) and texting ($20). Meaning, while she is spending $60 a YEAR for her cellphone, I could be spending $75 a month for my "smart" phone.
While I love my iPhone, I can't help be wondering if I really need to be spending the money. Or, could I be spending it more wisely?
When I started this post, I had dreams of getting rid of my cellphone, or trading in my monhtly payments for a 3G iPad and a $25 monthly fee. But looking through the AT&T and Verizon Wireless web sites, the least expensive plans are $40 a month, with texting for an additonal $5 a month.
Making me think my plan to downgrade my smartphone to save money may not be as smart as it seems.
How about you? Are you hooked in with your smart phone, or are you kicking it old school like my friend?
How "smart" is a smart phone?